Thursday, May 22, 2008


Friendship is a way to keep you going in this busy world where everything is instant. Life is busy for everyone and none has the time for anything. To keep a good friend is like preserving something very precious and delicate. Value of friendship must be taught to the younger generation where they grow up in an entirely different concealed atmosphere. The basic element in all the friendship is love and trust. I believe, anyone can be a friend, without the barrier of age, sex or religion. My friends are treasured and are reachable when I want them. I enjoy being with them and remember the quality time I spend with them. It is my sincere hope that Nabeel and Yaseen will also find true friends in their life other than we parents.


  1. mubi dear .its true to every word. mashaallah i am happy and lucky to have you as a great friend

  2. ആന്നു ആന്നു എഴുതീതെല്ലാം ശരിയാന്നു കേട്ടോ.
